애스트럼 스튜디오는 디지털 프로덕트 스튜디오입니다
애스트럼 스튜디오는 현실에 만족하지 않고 끊임없는 변화와 대담한
도전을 통해 역동적인 창조성을 추구합니다
애스트럼 스튜디오의 대담하고 역동적인 창조성은 디지털 비지니스의
성공을 이끌어내는 가장 큰 힘입니다
Super Crowds is a creative firm with a diverse group of personalities and skills to make things.
Our strength lies in our teamwork, which makes use of the individuality and skills of each of us, and allows us to cross over into different entities, different ways of thinking, and different means of doing things, to produce output that goes beyond the boundaries of the individual's imagination.
We are not just a group (Crowds), but a "Super" group, aiming to create purely good products and experiences without being tied down by titles, and challenging ourselves to create new creatively, involving not only internal members, but also external "Super" people.
The partners we work with range from startups to large corporations. The common denominator is that they are people who are trying to start or change something. We work directly with our clients whenever possible and support their challenges with our designs.
1986年生まれ。大阪府出身。2010年よりフリーのクリエイティブ・ディレクターとして独立。大手企業からスタートアップまで、数々のWebサービスやアプリ、アパレルブランドなどの事業立ち上げに携わる。異分野のクリエイターが集まり、自由にモノツクリできる場を創るため、2013年にSuper Crowdsを創業。
Born in 1986 in Osaka. Born in Osaka, Japan, he has been working as a freelance creative director since 2010. He has been involved in the launch of numerous web services, applications, apparel brands and other businesses from major corporations to start-ups. Founded Super Crowds in 2013 to create a place where creators from different fields can gather and freely create things.
1987年生まれ。広島県出身。2010年岡山県立大学デザイン学部卒。メーカーのインハウスデザイナーとして家電製品、雑貨などを中心にプロダクトデザインを担当。2014年よりSuper Crowdsに参加。CIやWebサイトのデザイン・実装まで、ブランディングに関わる幅広い範囲に携わる。
Born in 1987 in Hiroshima Prefecture. Graduated from the Faculty of Design at Okayama Prefectural University in 2010. In 2014, he joined Super Crowds and has been involved in a wide range of branding-related projects, including CI and website design and implementation.
1988年生まれ。新潟県出身。数々のアパレル企業をクライアントとし、Web制作・Webプロモーションに携わる。2011年に入社した大手アパレルメーカーでは、SNSマーケティングに従事。2014年、Super Crowdsに参加。社内事業として立ち上げたサービスを分社化し、株式会社RiLi代表取締役を兼任する。
Born in 1988. Born in Niigata Prefecture. Joined a major apparel company in 2011, where he was involved in SNS marketing. He spun off the service he launched as an internal business and is also the president of RiLi Inc.
1994年生まれ。群馬県出身。東京ネットウエイブ専門学校デジタルクリエイティブビジネス学科卒。2014年からインターンとして、2015年より正式にSuper Crowdsに参加。主にフロントエンドを担当。
Born in 1994. Born in Gunma Prefecture. Graduated from Tokyo Netwave Vocational School in Digital Creative Business. joined Super Crowds officially in 2015 as an intern since 2014. He is mainly responsible for the front end.
2014年4月生まれ。ノルウェージャン・フォレスト・キャットの女の子。よく遊び、よく食べ、よく甘え、よく眠る、好奇心旺盛な子猫。Super Crowdsオフィスのみんなのデスクに乗るのが好き。猫好きはぜひかわいがりに来てください(待ってるニャ)。
She was born in April 2014. Norwegian Forest Cat girl. A curious kitten who plays well, eats well, spoils well, sleeps well, and loves to ride on everyone's desk in the Super Crowds office. Cat lovers are welcome to come and pet her (waiting for her).
1987年生まれ。群馬県出身。2015年電気通信大学電気通信学部卒業。留年を機に在学中からフリーでWeb制作を始め、卒業と共にそのまま野に放たれる。Super Crowdsでは外部パートナーとして主にフロントエンドを担当。
Born in 1987. Born in Gunma Prefecture. graduated from the University of Electro-Communications in 2015. He started web development as a freelancer while he was still in school and was released directly into the field upon graduation.
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